July 8, 2019

“After this, the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of Him to every town and place He was about to visit. And He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest. ….”
(Luke 10:1-2).

Establishing of the Mission Institute

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Dear Fathers,

The Good Lord calls each and one of us for service daily, and he requests that we find place for him within the human soul especially within the heart. We try to find that special place within the individual and we realize that our laity, make up 99 percent of trapped future potential. It is our laity who can bear testimony and take us places where physically we cannot be. In order to fulfill Christ’s guidance, a year ago, according to Good’s will, a decree was issued about an establishment of the Mission Institute within our Eparchy, but the very idea of the institute arose two years ago.

During these two years, the Lord showed, in various circumstances, the importance of a functioning education institution within our Eparchy. Just half a year ago, a commission was formed to organize and develop the institute, and within these six months of work, we became even more convinced of the importance of a functioning institution. When I was visiting Parishes, I shared this idea with our parishioners and received positive feedback. Also, we had a conversation about the Mission Institute at the Chrism Conference in Tucson and I was very pleased to see how open everyone was to cooperation, and that was when I realized that there is no time to postpone the institute any longer and we need to start the education this year in the month of October! I thank God for all of you and your parishioners and according to God’s appeal, we want to work together on the realization of God’s will in relation to our parishes, because we grow together in Christ and bring abundant fruits into this world.

I appeal to you with a request to advertise and to spread the world about the Mission Institute in newspapers, websites, social media, and so on. Dear Fathers, the Lord called everyone by name, so, in addition to the ads, do not be afraid to approach the active parishioners and personally invite them to study at our institute. Be the voice of Christ, do not deny it and postpone it – take every opportunity to inform the parishioners in a different way to get them involved. Soon, you will be receiving more detailed information.

Thank you for your cooperation. I will pray for each of you and for your parish communities.BenedictBENEDICT


“Go therefore, and make disciples all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 28:19)

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

With the blessings and initiative of Bishop Benedict, a Mission Institute has been established within the St. Nicholas Eparchy and its goal is to:

  • Help the layman meet with the living Christ;
  • Form a conscious Catholic;
  • Teach and educate laity to work at the parish and at schools as (deacons, catechists, religious teachers, ethical teacher, cantors, and how to be leaders of the parish communities);
  • Recognize the vocation to the priestly minister and after finishing the institute go to the seminary

The course of the institute will follow four cycles:

  1. Faith of the Church;
  2. Prayer of the Church;
  3. Holy Scriptures;
  4. Life of the Church.

The fundamental courses of the catechism of our Church is “Christ is Our Pascha.” For convenience most of the subjects will be taught online. In addition to courses, there will be live meetings in various spiritual centers of our Eparchy, where students will be able to communicate with each other, and where they will share their faith and life experience. These meetings will take place with the help of Priests and will have a lot of knowledge. Each student will be able to choose a confessor who will help him grow up with and in Christ. The purpose of these meetings will not only be to enrich the individual, but to spiritually form one. We need the living witnesses of Christ who have to bear His Light not only within the Parish, but in the homes of our relatives, at our work places, and especially in places where people have forgotten Him, or cooled in faith and love of our Creature. The Lord puts great hope on each of you and invites you to become His disciple and collaborate with Him.

Regarding the tuition cost – the expenses will be covered equally by the Eparchy, the student himself and the parish community.

More detailed information will come soon!

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