Today is the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul. Perhaps it’s fitting that I get to sing at my last Divine Liturgy in this particular Church structure on this feast day.

Fitting because Peter is The Rock, the Rock of Faith. And Paul, he is The Voice of Truth, the one who ventured forth into the world to spread the Good News. 

In the same way I can’t help feeling that this church has been a rock. Yes, a Rock of Faith, but also a rock to families, a rock for the community, a rock of friendships.

I am overwhelmed with memories of so many people, so many echos of voices singing with joy, smiles from across the choir loft, hugs  of peace, and even tears of sadness similar to those that are welling up in my eyes as I write this. This community started the year I was born, and in some ways we grew together.

We grow, we change. 

This building, like a butterfly, is transforming into a new structure. Yet it still remains a rock, and will be a rock for future families, future friends and the future of the community.

Like that that butterfly, Saint Paul spread the message of Love, the Good News of the Risen Christ and we will do the same beyond the walls.

This community is, and always will be a beacon of love.

 As I prepare to remove the icons from the walls and ceiling, I ask for your prayers. Not just for me, but for all the workers that will assist in the transformation of the structure. Please pray that all may be safe from physical and spiritual harm and be filled with peace, joy and love as they undertake  their sacred tasks.

 “Eucharist” is the Greek word for Thanksgiving. With every celebration, and every partaking of the Body of Christ, I am thankful for this building, but more so for the people that grace my life with their presence, their friendship and even the challenges.

Most immaculate and Holy Mother of Life-giving Waters. Thank you for the blessings you’ve bestowed upon this community and upon me and my family and all the friends of the past, present and future. We entrust to you the sacred  undertaking and ask you to keep us protected under your holy mantle this day and always, so that we too may give the Water of Life to those who thirst.

With much gratitude, smiles, tear, joy  and especially love, on this Feast of Saints Peter and Paul,  I am honored to be your brother in Christ , 

Michael Plishka

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Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Byzantine Catholic Church